5 Tips for Successfully Expanding Your Business Into Saudi Arabia

setup company in saudi arabia

Saudi Arabia’s rapidly growing economy, increasingly large population, and expanding infrastructure make it an excellent place to expand your business. However, since this market isn’t heavily globalized and English isn’t widely spoken, you’ll need to be aware of certain cultural differences and intricacies before taking the plunge. 

By following these five tips for successfully expanding or setting up your company in Saudi Arabia, you can prepare yourself for success in this booming part of the world.

#1. Establishing a business presence

Saudi Arabia has been open to foreign businesses since 2016 and can be an exciting opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to expand internationally. One of the first considerations when you want to move into the region, is determining which areas you’re interested in operating in. For instance, are you looking at trying to establish operations in one or more specific cities?

You need to know two things about any place you want to operate in; laws and regulations. To establish a business presence, you should research both of these factors and determine which areas would work best based on your company’s needs. This research will help to ensure success once it’s time to setup your company in Saudi Arabia and start operating. 

#2. Understanding the local market

With a population of nearly 30 million people, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a regional and global power in the oil industry. The country has also been making strides to diversify its economy and create new sources of revenue, which has opened up opportunities for international companies looking to enter this market. In order to establish a 100% foreign-owned company in KSA, it’s essential to understand the local culture, customs and business practices.

#3. Securing the right partners

Securing the right partners is crucial in any business expansion. It will take time to find the right partner, so it’s best to start looking as early as possible. You should also be careful not to sign any contracts until you are certain that this is the right partner and have vetted them thoroughly. 

Remember to stay focused on your goals: Once you have secured a partner and set up your company in their country, you will need to focus on running your day-to-day operations from there. Avoid getting distracted by starting new projects or expanding too quickly, which may lead to failure. Stay committed: In order for this expansion to be successful, commitment must come from both parties involved–your company must stay committed as well as your Saudi Arabian partner.

#4. Managing cultural differences

When you expand your business into a new country, it’s important to prepare for cultural differences. Knowing what to expect will help you be successful with your expansion.  This region’s culture is different from most of the Western world and needs to be understood if one hopes to succeed. 

#5. Being prepared for the long-term

It can be hard to plan for the long term when you’re first starting out, but it’s something that needs to be a priority. Staying competitive in the long-term means staying on top of industry changes and trends, so make sure your business keeps up with what’s happening around you. 

Don’t forget about the importance of marketing: Keeping customers engaged is important and means constantly updating social media channels, sending emails, running ads and more. Make sure everything has a purpose: In order to build successful relationships with clients, make sure you keep them informed on what your company does.


Expansion is not always easy, but it is a necessary step for business owners who want to grow. With these five tips, you can prepare yourself and your company for the next step in your company’s expansion: moving into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. However, corporate immigration advisory services in Saudi Arabia will be essential in order to ensure that all legal requirements are met.